Why September Is The New January

While January has traditionally been thought of as the most popular time of the year to set resolutions, there may be another contender for the best goal-setting season - September. 

As Summer draws to a close and the school year gets into full swing, the ninth month of the year is full of promise. In many ways the less stressful and less in-your-face version of January, the change of seasons heading into September could actually be far more impactful in sparking a sense of starting fresh and beginning anew. So if you’re looking to launch your online fitness or wellness platform, we’re here to show you why now is the best time for you to take action!

We’ve been trained to have a “back-to-school” mindset:

From when you were little, early September has signalled the beginning of a new year. From going shopping for new supplies and mentally preparing for your next grade level and meeting new challenges; the exact same mindset is required when it comes to effectively setting new ambitions. The excitement of going back to school can result in an increased willingness to make changes and greater productivity, and it’s this positive and more motivated mentality of your audience  that you as a creator should be aiming to capitalise on with your offering. 

There’s built-in momentum and energy:

The lazy days of Summer are over, as September brings with it new energy and an increased focus on tackling what needs to get done before the end of the year. The same applies to people’s health and fitness… following what is typically an action-packed and overindulgent Summer holiday period, for the majority of us September is the perfect time to start re-prioritising healthy habits and getting back into a regular routine. 

The pressure is off: 

Research suggests that short-term objectives are far more likely to be achieved in comparison to those that require an extended length of time and commitment. With the mindset of having only 4 months versus an entire year ahead of them to improve their health and fitness, your clients are therefore more inclined to not only stick to their resolutions for a longer period but use your services to help them do so too. 

So why wait ? When it comes to fresh starts and setting goals, including your own personal one’s for launching your online business; then September is the new January! 

Team Sudor 


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