Train Smarter, Not Harder

When it comes to working out, you obviously want the best results possible in the least amount of time. After decades of being encouraged to train harder and faster, the fitness industry is now taking a gentler approach - welcoming sessions that don’t leave you feeling like you’ve just ran your first marathon, but instead maximise efficiency, reinforce proper technique and prioritise sufficient rest and recovery. Whether you are a fitness fanatic or gym newbie, here are our top tips and tricks for making your workout count. 

Focus on workouts that make you happy

We all have different interests, time constraints and overall aesthetic and fitness goals which will directly influence the type of exercise that we like to do. Whatever your preference, make sure to choose a workout that will not only give you the best results for your own personal objective, but that will leave you feeling good and motivated to do it on a regular basis too. With that in mind, don’t be afraid to shake up your usual routine either! Mixing up the type of exercise that you do is a great way to evenly tone and train all your various muscle groups while at the same time preventing boredom from setting in.

Less is more

At the end of the day, you could have the best training program in the world, but if you’re not training your muscles frequently and consistently - you won’t see results. And there’s nothing wrong with keeping it short and sweet! Not every workout you do needs to be an hour long at maximum intensity. Pushing yourself to instead give 100% of your focus and energy to a 15 minute workout each day is far more beneficial than setting your goals too high and not training at all. On that note…

Take a rest day 

Even though you may think you should be working out every day, it’s crucial to schedule rest days to allow your body and muscles to recover. Instead opt for lower intensity activities like swimming, gentle yoga or going for a walk with a friend so as to still keep you in the habit of moving daily. 

Have a solid workout playlist 

It’s no surprise that listening to your favourite beats can get you excited for a workout; it’s even been proven that listening to music while you exercise may actually help you work out harder and elevate your mood. That’s why with all our Sudor apps, both trainers and subscribers have the option to link their Apple Music or Spotify - so make sure your playlist is on point! 

Don’t compare yourself to someone else’s journey

Just because someone else talks or posts about their 7 day per week workout routine does NOT mean that it’s what you should be doing too. While it’s great to follow advice or gain inspiration from people you trust and admire, always make sure to have confidence in your own personal journey. 

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