Life's Too Short For Predictability

Have you ever felt like all of your days looked exactly the same - like you’re a hamster stuck running round and round on its wheel? 

In many cases; linear life paths void of spontaneity can leave us feeling extremely empty and uninspired, with this robotic mentality even having the ability to seep into our once healthy habits and routines. And while consistency without a doubt has its place when it comes to working on our overall well-being, the importance of being open and spontaneous should not be underestimated.

Let’s be honest: Spontaneity is all too often framed as being frivolous. But what if the first step towards truly channelling our best selves, starts with shifting our perspective. Research has shown that engaging in new and exciting experiences on a regular basis can directly increase our happiness, vitality and even overall sense of fulfilment. At the same time, such surprise and novelty can also help expand our thinking, making us feel more comfortable and confident in doing things that we may not have done before. 

But being spontaneous doesn’t only happen when we leave our home town or decide to cut our hair; it can occur any time we activate our creative brain. From taking a new route on your daily walk, finally starting that passion project you’ve been putting off or signing up to a fitness class because you wanted a fun activity to do with your friends - making space to inject more new and spontaneous experiences into your daily life really is the key to making it one that is more fulfilled.

Team Sudor


Breathe In, Bliss Out


Laugh Your Way to Longevity