Launching Your App and Online Business

Grand openings and cutting the red ribbon are not just reserved for boutiques and in person studios. Your online launch is just as important! A crucial part of your business success is how you launch and market your services. Although of course you can’t physically share the balloons and cake with your online community, but you can share it virtually.

What is an online launch

As a creator we are sure that you’re aware of your competition. Do you notice how they release and market their upcoming challenges, apps, books or meal plans? Normally they give teasers, a timeframe to sign up and have access, early bird discounts, and then carry on showing the benefits once it’s released. Well that is the launch cycle.

Whether you're launching your new app or online studio, the method and ideas behind it are the same. A launch is so important because it helps to reach beyond your usual social media following as well as building hype and engagement. You can also use all kinds of different online platforms to market, from Instagram to emails. You just need to make sure that you are organised and that you have a content calendar ready for each day so that you can be prepared to upload what is needed.

Stages of your launch

There are 3 important stages.

Pre launch

You want to start getting the hype and activity up around your business. So it’s time to flood the feed. And social media is the place to start. Start sharing your story, your face and your brand. People like to see the face behind the business and how you are impacting their lives.

This is also the time to tease your audience. Get them intrigued and ready for “something big”. Share sneak peak reels and carousel posts with snippets of what may be coming. Get them to guess or share what they think it could be. There are endless options to keep your followers engaged! You can even announce you are launching your app and get them to sign up to a waiting list. Always promote your waiting list and show them what they can expect.

This waiting list sign up is added as a link in your bio. Getting people to sign up and hand over email addresses is such an important part of prelaunch. With these emails, you can market in a different way. Creating an email sequence that keeps promoting the launch and your brand, will help you to gain more potential customers. It keeps them in the loop and excited for what is to come. It can also work alongside your social media, to influence and engage with your potential clients!


Time to announce! Share the news everywhere you can - instagram, email, owl mail. Everyone should know. This is the point of all of your pre launch effort.

Post launch

Just because your app is live and you have announced it to the world, does not mean you stop marketing. Keep in communication with your current subscribers via email and social media, announcing new workouts or challenges. Maybe motivate them to workout more or try something new.

This is also the time to get a hold of the emails of people that have signed up but not paid. They are one step away from closing, and a simple email can nudge them over the edge. Offering freebies is even better - give them a snippet of what they can get if they subscribe to you. And if they don’t immediately, well you have their email to keep marketing them!

A launch is such an integral part of any online business. Creating hype and showing enthusiasm for what you can offer, will take you that much closer to exceeding your goals. Remember that it takes hard work to make an impact and grow beyond your normal reach. Don’t stop marketing your services, creating hype around your brand and showing people how you can make a difference in their lives! 


Grit, A Mindset For Success


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